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Mouseflow & Hubspot

Use HubSpot IDs to find specific users in Mouseflow and review their behavior
Matching ID party!

Knowledge is power, someone wise said.

You’ve invested heavily in getting HubSpot up-to-speed and working, trust us, we know. No matter what hub you are on, being able to observe your users’ behavior will unlock a new level of understanding and give you the edge you need to beat your competitors.

To use this integration, you’ll need access to HubSpot’s API to grab your users HubSpot ID to pass it on to Mouseflow. After this happens, you’ll be able to use HubSpot ID as a filter in Mouseflow to get to the user you need. Learn more about how to integrate HubSpot here.

PS: (It was Thomas Jefferson, duh!)

session replay hero image

Session replay

We’ve made it possible for you to look at individual user behaviors on your website. By using our session replay tool, you can watch live recordings and frustration monitoring on how people are browsing and where they might encounter problems.

Are the customers reading the information on your website? How much are they searching before buying? What makes them leave your website when their cart is full? Knowing your customers behaviors, is key for a successful online business.

Learn more about Session replay
A screen with a heatmap and a box highlighting that you can obtain specific details about an area that users interact with such as click-errors and click-rage.

Heat maps

Guessing what people respond to can be a tricky matter. Your website might look pretty, but if it doesn’t make sense, it can cost you a lot of revenue. By using our heatmap tool, you identify which elements that gets most attention and which are being ignored, so you can grow your business.

Heat maps will show you exactly where users scroll to, what they click on and how they move the mouse around the page. Sometimes small adjustments like moving a CTA-button (Call-To-Action) to another spot, can make a huge difference. Get a free trial here

Learn more about Heat maps


With our funnel tool you will get a clear visual on how many visitors actually turn into confirmed customers on their user journey. This knowledge makes it so much easier to give your customers the best user experience possible.

You can tailor the user journey as you wish and see which pages are causing most drop-offs, so you can get a better conversion rate.

Learn more about Funnels
A mobile browser screen showing a sign-up form with pop-up boxes indicating that Mouseflow has detected a form-interaction and other insights related to each form field such as the percentage of dropped users and failed submits.

Form analytics

Mouseflow monitors how visitors interact with forms. It measures drop-off, refills, blank submissions, errors, and more – for each relevant form field – and can be filtered in real time.

This helps you uncover issues, improve usability, and increase conversions among different segments of visitors. Try it out and grow your business.

Learn more about Form analytics
A screen showing an online shop and a user feedback popup asking if the user found the information they were looking for.

User feedback

Get even closer to your customers and what they think of your website, by using our interactive survey. It’s easy to implement and customize and it’s not intrusive as many other surveys as it’s placed in the bottom corner, where the customers can decide if they want to give feedback or not.

Try it out for free. A good place to add it could be straight after a customer has purchased an item as the user experience is still fresh in their memory.

Learn more about User feedback
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